Trusted by industry leaders


Cost of manual security reviews from top security firms


Months you need to wait for some audits


Amount of money stolen in web3 in the past three years


Of hacked smart contracts had manual security reviews in 2022


The problem in numbers

Most of the security in web3 today is outsourced to 3rd parties. We're building an AI Security Agent to give you in-house security capabilities.

Web3 Security Atlas


Almanax is working on AI benchmarks with top security firms.

Read more here
Ash, Founder @ Flexclub
Results were very good! Much better than the previous automated audit we did. Will be implementing most/all of the recommendations ahead of our next contract deployment. Some pretty big issues that we need to address around the Aave integration
Rob, Security Lead @ Cat Town
I've used a lot of these automated scanners and this is by far the most intelligent one I've used. The three issues that it came up with aren't big issues but they're still valuable and none of them more importantly are false positives.
Andres Gutierrez, CTO @ Agrofi
The quick turnaround time is a game changer. Also, it did catch the vulnerability I mentioned before that I left in some unused code!
Rob, Security Lead @ Cat Town
I used the migration contract that we're currently having audited by an external partner, and it picked up on a potential division by zero case that wasn't picked up by them.