stolen in web3 in the past 3 years

Using AI to prevent catastrophic crypto losses

Web3 is not going to reach mass adoption with its current security posture. We are bringing the latest AI advancements to the industry to prevent catastrophic crypto losses.
Our vision
Francesco Piccoli and Maxwell Watson formed Almanax in 2024 to tackle the security problems they had witnessed for years in web3.

Francesco was previously the Head of Product at AnChain.AI, where he built security and compliance tools for the US SEC, IRS, and Salesforce. His team was part of several $100M+ hacks investigations. Prior to AnChain.AI, he led research initiatives in anomaly detection with Ripple and in autonomous driving with Volvo Cars. He holds an MEng from UC Berkeley.

Maxwell has a decade of experience in the startup space, most recently as a Senior Software Engineer on the Staking Infrastructure team at Coinbase. Prior to that, he helped build Capsule8’s platform for real-time kernel security monitoring, which was later acquired by cybersecurity giant Sophos.

Meet the team

Francesco Piccoli
Former Head of Product @ AnChain.AI
Maxwell Watson
Former Senior Engineer @ Coinbase

Our Investors

Brian Rothenberg
Partner @ Defy.vc
Founder of SkillSlate (acquired by TaskRabbit)
Former VP @ Eventbrite
Bartek Ringwelski
Founder of SkillSlate (acquired by TaskRabbit)
Ex Meta & Lending Club
Former COO @ BitFlyer
Nafis Jamal
Former Head of Consumer Products @ Circle
Founder of Elements (acquired by Circle)
Founder of MoPub (acquired by Twitter)
Founder of Euclid (acquired by Wework)